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The function converts the visible soil spectrum to three-dimensional color systems, such as Munsell and RGB, using the CIE tristimulus values for the conversion. This allows for the standardized representation of colors and facilitates visual and comparative analysis.


soil_color(data = data,
           name_wave = "wave",
           tri_values = "std",
           plot = FALSE)



A data.frame containing the wavelength and reflectance values.


Character indicating the name of the column with the wavelength. It can be only the initial characters.


Tristimulus Values. Values from the colorSpec package can be used.


Logical, if TRUE, the plot with the colors is generated, the default is FALSE


A data.frame with color values in Munsell, HVC, RGB, and hexadecimal code.


# example code

#>    sample       munsell     H    V    C      R      G      B     hex
#> 1      a1 8.3YR 6.2/3.7 18.33 6.15 3.69 179.01 146.84 114.92 #B39272
#> 2      a2 8.2YR 5.9/4.1 18.22 5.94 4.06 173.47 138.32 103.71 #AD8A67
#> 3      a3 5.1YR 5.3/4.1 15.10 5.34 4.14 160.53 120.97  94.65 #A0785E
#> 4      a4   8.6YR 5.3/2 18.56 5.32 2.01 144.23 126.16 109.37 #907E6D
#> 5      a5 8.1YR 5.9/3.2 18.08 5.86 3.22 168.35 139.62 112.87 #A88B70
#> 6      a6 4.4YR 5.8/5.1 14.38 5.81 5.11 181.39 131.27  99.54 #B58363
#> 7      a7   8YR 5.5/3.4 17.99 5.55 3.42 158.98 128.87 101.32 #9E8065
#> 8      a8   4YR 5.5/4.8 13.98 5.48 4.84 171.65 123.89  95.97 #AB7B5F
#> 9      a9 7.2YR 5.6/3.8 17.22 5.57 3.83 164.99 130.31 101.30 #A48265
#> 10    a10 8.4YR 6.7/2.7 18.37 6.71 2.65 186.04 161.47 137.10 #BAA189
#> 11    a11 8.9YR 6.3/2.9 18.92 6.30 2.88 176.07 151.01 124.30 #B0977C
#> 12    a12 7.8YR 5.6/3.5 17.75 5.61 3.46 162.50 131.17 103.15 #A28367
#> 13    a13 9.1YR 5.9/3.3 19.07 5.91 3.27 167.51 140.17 110.05 #A78C6E
#> 14    a14 7.4YR 6.8/4.4 17.40 6.83 4.37 200.72 160.76 124.26 #C8A07C
#> 15    a15   4.4YR 5/4.3 14.41 5.01 4.27 154.56 112.31  86.92 #9A7056
#> 16    a16 8.8YR 5.4/2.4 18.75 5.45 2.38 149.28 128.24 107.55 #95806B
#> 17    a17 8.7YR 5.2/2.4 18.69 5.17 2.38 144.11 123.02 102.80 #907B66
#> 18    a18     8.4YR 6/3 18.43 6.01 2.98 169.40 142.71 116.76 #A98E74
#> 19    a19   5.2YR 5/3.9 15.23 5.05 3.94 151.28 113.62  88.70 #977158
#> 20    a20   5YR 5.5/4.7 14.99 5.52 4.71 169.95 124.79  94.31 #A97C5E
#> 21    a22 7.5YR 5.6/4.4 17.54 5.64 4.36 168.22 129.47  94.74 #A8815E
#> 22    a24   8YR 5.5/3.1 18.05 5.53 3.06 157.15 129.34 104.27 #9D8168
#> 23    a26 8.5YR 5.3/2.7 18.53 5.27 2.71 148.82 125.06 102.55 #947D66

# tristimulus values {colorSpec}
soil_color(soil_refle, tri_values = "xyz1931.1nm", plot = TRUE)
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#>    sample       munsell     H    V    C      R      G      B     hex
#> 1      a1   9YR 6.4/3.8 19.03 6.35 3.79 183.78 152.49 117.22 #B79875
#> 2      a2 8.6YR 6.2/4.3 18.59 6.17 4.28 181.92 146.21 108.04 #B5926C
#> 3      a3 7.2YR 5.6/4.3 17.17 5.61 4.34 168.00 129.44  96.37 #A88160
#> 4      a4 8.1YR 5.4/2.2 18.09 5.40 2.15 148.62 128.23 110.45 #94806E
#> 5      a5   8.1YR 6/3.4 18.12 6.04 3.44 172.21 141.92 113.38 #AC8D71
#> 6      a6 6.5YR 6.1/5.4 16.46 6.15 5.37 188.80 140.03  98.92 #BC8C62
#> 7      a7 8.8YR 5.7/3.6 18.78 5.73 3.56 164.36 134.32 102.67 #A48666
#> 8      a8   6YR 5.8/5.1 15.98 5.81 5.13 179.57 132.38  95.64 #B3845F
#> 9      a9   8.2YR 5.8/4 18.17 5.80 4.04 170.23 135.86 102.28 #AA8766
#> 10    a10   8YR 6.8/2.8 17.96 6.83 2.84 189.80 163.72 139.26 #BDA38B
#> 11    a11   8.6YR 6.4/3 18.65 6.43 3.03 179.74 153.29 126.27 #B3997E
#> 12    a12 8.5YR 5.8/3.6 18.45 5.80 3.64 167.48 136.70 105.71 #A78869
#> 13    a13 9.6YR 6.1/3.4 19.55 6.07 3.36 172.54 145.64 113.00 #AC9171
#> 14    a14 8.2YR 7.1/4.5 18.18 7.08 4.54 208.06 169.20 128.56 #D0A980
#> 15    a15   6YR 5.3/4.6 16.03 5.30 4.61 162.98 120.39  88.19 #A27858
#> 16    a16 8.4YR 5.6/2.5 18.38 5.55 2.54 155.65 133.07 111.95 #9B856F
#> 17    a17 8.4YR 5.3/2.6 18.37 5.28 2.56 148.30 125.16 103.69 #947D67
#> 18    a18 8.2YR 6.2/3.2 18.23 6.16 3.19 176.18 147.51 120.08 #B09378
#> 19    a19 6.6YR 5.3/4.2 16.63 5.30 4.24 159.95 121.50  91.01 #9F795B
#> 20    a20 6.4YR 5.8/5.1 16.39 5.83 5.05 179.10 132.65  94.79 #B3845E
#> 21    a22 8.5YR 5.9/4.6 18.53 5.90 4.56 175.76 137.82  97.72 #AF8961
#> 22    a24 8.1YR 5.7/3.3 18.11 5.69 3.28 163.61 134.27 107.01 #A3866B
#> 23    a26 8.4YR 5.4/2.9 18.44 5.41 2.89 152.81 127.29 103.15 #987F67